Now one day, when the little girl that was always just a little bit younger than all her friends started university. A whole new adventure... or so she thought. She'd polished her fangs, groomed her locks and smiled her way through five weeks of what could effectively (unless this was in fact, a nursery rhyme) be compared to the bad place below the earth where hellfire and torment reigned supreme upon the shoulders upon that bad guy who was probably just sexier than his fellows which made them jealous.
Unfortunately that guy didn't show up and sweep the little vampire girl off her feet and take her away to play with death and destruction all live long night... however she learned to cope with the terror of the shiny newness surrounding her.
*throat clears*
She was still supremely pissed off about all the idiotic little twits who had the nerve to show up to class every bloody week wearing the stupidest clothes God every saw fit to turn his back on...
In her own words...
"For Gods sake people! You attend a Design school! Don't they have at the gates as a condition of entry: Nothing with animal prints, nothing that makes you look like a bad extra from Flashdance, and nothing that combines such God Ugly taste with spending too much money on clothes!"
However the little vampire girl reminded and consoled herself with the comforting thought that someday she'd rule the world and make such barbarism illegal.
Also, on a more sober note, it's Anzac's Day...
May we never forget the fallen, the lately departed, the heroic dead,
Those who gave their lives for us now lie beneath Menin's Gate.
A way of life continues, but the price was wrought with blood.
Therefore never let us forget, those who gaveth, that we might live.
*trumpet plays forlornly*
God Bless.
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